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In Ravenclaw House:

Common Room

Knocker: "Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"

Luna Lovegood: "I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning."

Knocker: "Well reasoned."

— Luna solving a riddle to enter Ravenclaw tower

The Ravenclaw common room is in one of the castle's towers and is wide and circular. You have to climb a tight spiral staircase to get there. It has graceful arched windows, and the walls are hung with blue and bronze silks. The domed ceiling is painted with stars, which are echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. Tables, chairs, and bookcases cover the expanse of the floor, and a white-marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw sits next to the door that leads to the dormitories above. Harry Potter entered the common room in 1998 while searching for clues to the location of one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.


Ravenclaw Common Room

Unlike the other common rooms in the school, a logical riddle given by a bronze eagle-shaped knocker must be answered to enter. This could prove troublesome as anyone with enough intellect could intrude into the dormitory, as is shown in 1998 where Professor McGonagall had no trouble entering by answering the riddle correctly (though she was a "hatstall" between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw). However, Hermione stated in her first year when figuring out the complicated riddle, beneath the trapdoor, that most wizards and witches do not have much sense of logic, which might be something that Ravenclaw noticed herself and decided to use clever riddles instead of passwords, as they are safer than some words.

Head of House


Rowena Ravenclaw

    (10th century)

Filius Flitwick

The head of house before and during Harry Potter's time was Filius Flitwick. It is unknown when he became head of house, but it is known that he was teaching Charms in 1971. It is unknown whom he succeeded.

Known Ravenclaws






Helena Ravenclaw


Founder's time

Daughter of the house founder, killed during her school years,later became the house ghost.


Uric the Oddball


Medieval era

Famous for his eccentric habits, such as wearing a jellyfish as a hat, and sleeping in a room with fifty pet Augureys.

Ignatia Wildsmith


c. 1238 - 1245

Inventor of Floo Powder.

Lorcan McLaird



Was Minister for Magic from 1923 - 1925.

Laverne de Montmorency


c. 1834 - 1841

Inventor of the several Love Potions.

Mid-19th century (most likely)

Basil Fronsac

Was Headmaster sometime prior to Armando Dippet

Perpetua Fancourt


c. 1911 - 1918

Inventor of the lunascope.

Garrick Ollivander



Talented and famous wandmaker.

Myrtle Warren


c. 1940 - 1943

Was killed by Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk and is now a ghost that haunts the Second-floor girls' lavatory.

Millicent Bagnold



Minister for Magic from 1980 to 1990.

Filius Flitwick



Later became Professor of Charms and Head of Ravenclaw House.


Later became the Editor of The Quibbler.

Being Ravenclaw is single: 

 7 Reasons to love This Hogwarts House

1. Features that stand out in the Ravenclaw


The members of the Ravenclaw House are known worldwide for their intelligence. But we are not talking only about academic learning; the student of Ravenclaw values ​​knowledge above all things and the search for greater wisdom is something that defines them.

A very typical feature of this House is its eccentricity that makes the Ravenclaw very creative and independent people. Although it is a Home generally attributed to students more oriented toward logic and reasoning, the eccentricity factor creates a perfect place for both artists and writers. In Ravenclaw, they have room to develop their talents and refine their particular view of the world.

2. You Never Bother With a Ravenclaw


Ravenclaw are masters at the art of conversation and their mood is spirited, filled with attentive comments about the world around them. To be with a student in this House is to make sure you never get bored - he would never let that happen.



When a Ravenclaw shares insightful observation with you, it will make you see the world in a way you would never have imagined before. Small details may go unnoticed for many but this is impossible for a Ravenclaw, since for them details are everything.

3. But Ravenclaws are often seen as "different"


It's the price to pay for being an alternative to the norm, is not it? A Ravenclaw does not do to draw attention to itself just because it does not do things within the norm. But for those who do not understand (or do not want to understand), it is easier to call the Ravenclaw a "difference."


While the others criticize, Ravenclaw is happy with his life by reading all those books that came in yesterday - and, outrage! He has not yet read it.

4. Tolerance is the word of order


Do you want someone who accepts you the way you are? Be friends with a Ravenclaw. Being the home of those who do not fit, it is also the Hogwarts House that openly accepts who is different.

The open mind of the Corvinais welcomes those who would be looked on by other Houses. Having ideas out of the box or being considered strange by others are even grounds for being part of Ravenclaw.


This openness and tolerance is due to his intellectual curiosity about everything that makes the world be what it is. So it is normal for them to want to understand their strange way of being - and learn from it.

5. Ravenclaw is the House of several fascinating personalities


We started shortly with Luna Lovegood, one of the most beloved characters in the Harry Potter books. Luna is the perfect example of someone who follows his own rules and sees the world daily with a special vision.


Professor Flitwick is the master of the Spells, being one of Hogwarts' most respected professors and director of the Ravenclaw House. Ollivander is another reference name, the wizard who makes the wands for all the magicians of Great Britain.


Cho Chang, the girl that many hate for being Harry Potter's girlfriend, is a brilliant Ravenclaw. Sibyl Trelawney, the unforgettable teacher of Divination, known for two important prophecies linked to Harry Potter.


And how to forget Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw? His tragic life is one of the most emblematic in the history of the witch community.

6. The voice of a Ravenclaw will hardly be silent


With individuality and eccentricity, usually comes the ability to say exactly things as they think. If a Ravenclaw has studied a subject and knows what he is talking about, it is obvious to him that he has to talk about the subject when the opportunity arises.


There are many who would like to see the Ravenclaw silent, but their search for truth makes them the most outspoken people you can find

7. Susceptible to moments of "Stopped everyone! I have to write this! "


A Ravenclaw is a person with ideas in constant motion, his head is a bottomless world where thoughts spin incessantly. But if there is something that makes everything stop, it's that "eureka!" Moment, the moment when they finally understand something or have a brilliant idea.


Then they rush off to get a pen and paper and write about what they thought. What good is knowledge if it is not saved?

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